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Living Your Writing Life Symposium: Embracing New Chapters

  • 08/03/2024
  • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Randolph-Macon College, 114 College Ave., Ashland, Virginia


  • Non-member adults registering on or after July 1
  • Students in high school or college under the age or 27 registering on or after July 1)
  • Presenters for the Symposium and Committee Members and workers
  • Lifetime members attend at no charge but will need to have code to register. E-mail joliggan@gmail.com to receive code.
  • Virginia Writers Club Members registering on or after July 1
  • VWC member for students registering on or after July 1


Fourteenth Annual VWC Symposium

Living Your Writing Life: Embracing New Chapters

August 3, 2024


This year's Symposium will be in-person at Randolph-Macon College, 114 College Ave., Ashland, Virginia.

We're excited to have MM (Peggy) Finck as our keynote speaker.

MM Finck is a publishing consultant and niche editor specializing in queries, pitches, opening pages, & overall story analysis. She established her practice as the Query Quill in 2014. She oversees WomenWriters,Women[‘s]Books’s Agents’ Corner & Author Interviews segments. She was granted the first ever interview with the Editor-in-Chief of Amazon’s Lake Union Publishing. Among MM’s clients’ and interviewees’ successes are chart rankings, bestsellers, and two adaptations to television series - one Apple, one Prime. Two-time Vice-President of Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Past-Chair Advisor for Rising STAR Award for Unpublished Women’s Fiction. Founder of Penning Suspense, a group for suspenseful & thriller fiction writers, and togetHER, a Facebook group for women. Also active in James River Writers, Sister in Crime, & Writer Unboxed. Represented by Katie Shea Boutillier. On social media as @MMFinck. 

The following 16 topics will be covered in the presentations throughout the day:
Kindle Direct Publishing: It's Simpler than You Think (and Free)
So You Think You're Not a Poet?
Turning Real Life Events into Fiction without Angering the Entire Family
Speculative Fiction: A Genre of Hope
It's in the (Tarot) Cards! — How to Use Archetypes to Your Writing Advantage
Writing the Book Blurb That Will Catch the Reader's Attention to Your Book
Knot the Plot in Flash Fiction
The Awesome Antagonist: Writing Powerful Foes
What We Talk About When We Talk about Point of View
Writing is a Crime
Creating Unforgettable Characters and Plots
Organizing a Non-Fiction Book (Ins, Outs, & In-Betweens)
How to Write a Synopsis and Query Letter
The Do's and Don'ts of Self-Publishing
Break Into Romance Writing and Publishing
Using Poetry to Find Your Voice

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