Welcome to the Virginia Writers Club Library. Here you can find some of the books written by members of the VWC, as well as anthologies produced by the club and its chapters. Members' books are listed in alphabetical order by the author's name. You may purchase or learn more about each book by clicking on the cover photo. Enjoy!

If you are a member of the Virginia Writers Club and would like to have your book represented here, please send your cover photo (jpg please) and link (web page for info or purchase) to Joanne Liggan.

Only members of the VWC will be permitted to include their books on this page. 


                                                                                                          F.A.C.T.S. Bible Study Guide Book 2: A New Testament Bible Study Series (F.A.C.T.S. New Testament Bible Study Guide) by [Joanne Liggan]                                                                                                           

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