• 11/28/2021 12:01 PM | Joanne Liggan (Administrator)

    Coe SherrardThe Other Side of Good is scheduled for publication on January 17, 2022, by Koehler Books in Virginia Beach. 

    (The image shown is a work-in-progress and may not represent the actual cover of the book.)

    Victoria Fletcher:  Happily in Evermore was released November 1, 2021, by Hoot Books Publishing.

  • 11/28/2021 10:55 AM | Joanne Liggan (Administrator)

    Charles Tabb:  Finding Twigs was released on July 20, 2021, by Gifted Time Books

    Janice Hoffman:  Four Fairy Friends Celebrate Christmas was released on September 27, 2021, by High Tide Publications, Inc.

    Kris Spisak: Kris's article, "When is My Novel Ready to Read: 7 Self-Editing Processes for Writers," was published on September 24, 2021, in Writer's Digest.  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1cuy4pdPi-boY-cMXk5pR-rP83RKCNPn3UwDMBhJL6kU/edit#:~:text=https%3A//www.writersdigest.com/write%2Dbetter%2Dfiction/when%2Dis%2Dmy%2Dnovel%2Dready%2Dto%2Dread%2Dself%2Dediting%2Dprocesses%2Dfor%2Dwriters

    K.P. Robbins:   Thoughts and Prayers, a novel by Lee Anne Post,  was released October 26, 2021, by Milford House Press, an imprint of Sunbury Press, Inc.

    Patrice Wilkerson:  Wilkerson's article was featured in the book Dear God:  118 Devotional Prayers for Teens and Young Adults, published on November 1, 2021.

    William Tang:  The Chinese Slant was published on July 20, 2021, by History Publishing Co., LLC

    William Tang:  "Besieged by Songs" was published in History Magazine Quarterly on August 1, 2021.

  • 11/16/2021 1:19 PM | Joanne Liggan (Administrator)

    This event will be at the New Event Center at the Colonnades Senior Living Community at 2600 Barracks Rd. 

    For more information CLICK HERE.

  • 10/12/2021 4:54 PM | Joanne Liggan (Administrator)

    There is now a flip-book version of the Blue Ridge Journal!

    Check it out by clicking this link:  https://online.fliphtml5.com/miqny/voxg/

  • 09/18/2021 8:26 AM | Joanne Liggan (Administrator)

    Elizabeth Spencer Spragins:  Her poem "The Devil's Garden" has been published in the fall issue of Masque and Spectacle.

    Stacy Clair:  Her poem "Doubt" has been published in the September issue of Beneath the Soil, released 9/11/2021. https://www.timetotell.org/beneath-the-soil 

  • 09/18/2021 8:08 AM | Joanne Liggan (Administrator)

    Elaine RuggieriRetreat at St. Jerome's was released August 13, 2021, by KDP Publishing

    Danielle DayneyWhen Love Sticks Around will be released November 15, 2021 by Belle Isle Press

  • 09/05/2021 2:03 PM | Joanne Liggan (Administrator)

    Sara M. Robinson was interviewed for a blog for Suite T. You may read the article by CLICKING HERE! 

    Sara has also been working with actress Breanne Parhiala on a mini-doc series about relationships between older generations and younger ones.

  • 08/31/2021 9:48 AM | Joanne Liggan (Administrator)

    G.M. Malliet:  Death in Cornwall: St. Just #4; To be released 10/28/2021; Published by Canongate

    Jeffrey James Higgins:  Unseen: Evil Lurks Among Us; Released 8/26/2021 by Black Rose Writing

    David Barudin:  Alternate Routes: Coming of Age in America's Largest Generation; Published 4/01/2021 by Amazon (e-book and paperback)

  • 08/30/2021 5:55 PM | Joanne Liggan (Administrator)

    The Northern Virginia Chapter has a new website. It was designed by member Nate Hoffelder and includes member profile pages. Check it out!  https://northernvirginiawriters.org/

  • 08/30/2021 5:37 PM | Joanne Liggan (Administrator)

    Paulette Whitehurst:  Her book, A Child Is A Poem You Learn By Heart:  A Memoir in Verse, has been awarded first place by the Virginia Professional Communicators for Nonfiction Book for Adult Readers, Autobiography or Memoir. (https://vapc.org/state-contest-winners/) 

    Mary Elizabeth Ames is pleased to announce that H'llgraith (Book II) was awarded a silver medal at the prestigious 33rd Annual Benjamin Franklin awards for 2021. This is H'llgraith's second literary award in the category of Science Fiction & Fantasy. H'llgraith was also awarded Finalist by the American Fiction Awards in 2020. 

    J Thomas Brown's "Valium Dream" has received an honorable mention in the Streetlight 2021 Essay/Memoir Contest and will be published in a forthcoming issue. The original draft was a Carolyn Forché style poem that was expanded into a momoir. His work centers on social unrest and drug abuse in the 1960s. (https://streetlightmag.com/category/essay/)

    G.M. Malliet:  Her 2020 novella "A Murder at Morehead Mews" came in 5th in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine's Readers Choice Awards. The story also has been nominated for a Derringer Award. This novella appeared in the July/August 2020 edition of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine. Winners will be announced May 1. (https://elleryqueenmysterymagazine.com/)

    Cass Morris is a Hugo Award Finalist as part of the team behind Worldbuilding for Masochists, a podcast which discusses the craft of writing speculative worlds.

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