Two editions of the annual Skyline (the seventh and eighth) anthology of prose and poetry were recently published, in both paperback and e-book form, to celebrate the 30th anniversary (2021) of the Blue Ridge Writers chapter of the VWC. The Skyline anthologies are dedicated to showcasing Central Virginia writers, both in fiction and nonfiction prose and in poetry.
These anthologies, like the four biennial Blue Ridge Anthology collections that preceded the Skyline anthologies, have at their base the placing works in the annual juried writing contest of the Blue Ridge Writers chapter of the Virginia Writers Club. These anthologies aren’t sponsored or sanctioned by the BRW; publications permissions were directly arranged with the authors, but Skyline holds the most complete archives of the BRW annual contest and, through Skyline and its predecessor, The Blue Ridge Anthology, has published the contest placers for the past fifteen years.
To celebrate the placing authors in the BRW writing contest over the last fifteen years, the length of time that records are available, and to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the central Virginia club, the 2020 and 2021 editions of Skyline are dedicated to republishing placing works in the contest during that period.
Skyline 2020(
Skyline 2021(