Kaelyn Pennington: Beyond the Walls is scheduled to be published 4/20/2022.
Sharon Lyon: Fossil Woman: A Novel; Published 3/2/2022 by Amazon
Pamela K. Kinney: Werewolves, Dogmen, and Other Shapeshifters Stalking North America is scheduled to be released 4/26/2022 by Dreampunk Press
Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt: Thirty Years of Cardinals Calling, Select Published Poems, to be published by San Francisco Bay Press in April, 2022. Proceeds benefit creative writing programs for at-risk and disadvantaged youth. https://www.sanfranciscobaypress.com/shop/p/thirty-years-of-cardinals-calling
Elizabeth Mowbray: Roly Poly and the Creepy Cave is scheduled to be released 5/1/2022 by Amazon