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Paul Schutte


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Speaker Area(s) of Writing Expertise
  • Fiction (theater and screenplays)
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Poems, Novels, Plays, or other Works

Work 1 - Title
The Pirates of Chemo
Work 1 - Genre (Other)
Play - Romantic Comedy
Work 1 - Description
A young soccer mom’s life comes crashing down around her when she discovers that she has breast cancer. The loss of her breast and hair – two of the defining elements of womanhood according to Madison Avenue – challenge her own identity and her relationship with her husband.

She struggles through these issues in a support group of some very unique characters including a New-Age yoga instructor named Peace, an outspoken and slightly over-sexed motor-mouth, and a defiantly independent recovering cocaine addict.

The group decides to branch out of the typical support group mold and become
Pirates of the Chemotherapy.
Work 2 - Title
The Global Economy
Work 2 - Genre (Other)
Educational Video
Work 2 - Description
What we think of as the modern global economy is actually centuries old! Join Maggie, an adventurous rat, as she boards ships on international trade routes to make her way home from England to the American colonies. Along the way, discover the inner workings of the eighteenth-century mercantile system.
Work 3 - Title
Phantom Pain
Work 3 - Genre (Other)
Radio Play
Work 3 - Description
When a star pitcher, nicknamed the Phantom, loses his pitching arm saving the life of a woman during a bank robbery, his life is changed forever. When his career over, he seeks a new life until one of the robbers returns in his life, and threatens to kill his beloved wife, that lost arm is all he has.

Additional Works - Add title, genre, URL, description, and publication year in free form text here.

Additional Works
I have written numerous other works, never produced.
Plays: Call it Love, Anna's World, The Testicle Dialogues
Movie Scripts: Boys State (needs another name now), Movie Version of Pirates of Chemo.
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