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Karen Jones


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Karen Jones

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Speaker Area(s) of Writing Expertise
  • Craft
  • Fiction (long form)
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I've taught many workshops on the craft of writing and have been a speaker at your events in past years
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Poems, Novels, Plays, or other Works

Work 1 - Title
The Summer of Grace
Work 1 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Literature
Work 1 - Genre (Other)
Southern coming-of-age
Work 1 - Cover
Work 1 - Website
Work 1 - Description
Ten-year-old Gracie sits on the backyard picnic table hugging Brown Hound, the dog’s fur soaking up her tears. It’s early summer 1951 and her daddy is sending them to her grandmother for a while. They have gotten to be too much for her high-strung mother to handle.
On the North Carolina family farm, Gracie and Brown Hound meet the family. Great Granny Jane smokes a pipe and is fast with her cane, Miss Emily proves to be loving but firm, and Jane, her cousin of the same age, has a swashbuckler’s heart.

It is wild and heady freedom, far from her mother’s scorn and her father’s indifference. The girls hunt through ancient cemeteries, sneak visits to the conjure woman, team up against the town gossips, fight, make up, and sleep in the same bed, tangled like puppies.

But there is also Marcell, the solitary woman who keeps the house. Her dark skin shines in contrast to her eyes, their light dimmed by memories and secrets. Her history is mysteriously entwined with the family and for some inexplicable reason she hates dogs. Now she has Brown Hound in her sights. Gracie and Jane must fix this before the dog gets sent away.

Can the girls heal old wounds, or could their stubborn determination make matters worse? Are Marcel’s secrets tied to the injustice and bigotry of the past, and will the girls push through present-day prejudices to find out? Should the girls expose the truth of that one missing grave? And what timeworn promise, still steeped in segregation, will reveal the families’ hidden past?

Work 2 - Title
Death for Beginners
Work 2 - Genre
(Nonfiction) Nonfiction
Work 2 - Genre (Other)
Non-fiction How To
Work 2 - Cover
Work 2 - Website
Work 2 - Description
Humorous, insightful and completely practical Death for Beginners: Your No-Nonsense, Money-Saving Guide to Planning for the Inevitable helps readers quickly accomplish the difficult but necessary task of planning for death. This book gives readers the tools to quickly plan for body disposal, funerals, wills and helping family and friends cope with grief —while sparing their loved ones time, money and unnecessary emotional stress.
Written in a time-saving “grab, read, do and get on with your life” format, Death for Beginners helps readers quickly comprehend essential information and decide what choices are most important to them. Jones spells out for readers their options, costs and pros and cons.
Easy-to-use worksheets, downloadable from the book’s companion website, guide readers through making key decisions. The website also offers up-to-date resources for further research.
If you know you’re going to die but don’t like to think about it—which pretty much means everybody—Death for Beginners is just what the Grim Reaper ordered.
Work 3 - Title
Up theBestseller Lists!
Work 3 - Genre
(Nonfiction) Business Books
Work 3 - Genre (Other)
Non-fiction How to promote your work
Work 3 - Cover
Work 3 - Website
Work 3 - Description
Up the Bestseller Lists! was not written from the perspective of an industry insider sitting behind her desk at some gigantic publishing house, instead it was written by two authors, one published by the largest houses, the other by a small publishing company, who have spent time in the trenches trying anything and everything to get their book sold. Therefore, what this book WON’T DO is give you a lengthy and complex view of the publishing industry but what it WILL DO is give you basic, hands-on, practical ways to promote your book. In other words, it will tell you what you need to know, what works, and what doesn’t without a lot of verbiage in between. “Just the facts, ma’am.”
Work 4 - Title
The Highland Witch
Work 4 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Romance
Work 4 - Genre (Other)
Historical Fiction - 15th century scotland
Work 4 - Cover
Work 4 - Website
Work 4 - Description
Priding herself on her hunting skills and fiercely independent, Rowan spent her first fifteen years living in the solitary highlands of 14th century Scotland. Abandoned as a babe but rescued by Elden the Seer, Rowan believes she is a child of the woods, never admitting even to herself the secret sadness of being a forsaken child.
Elden the Seer has visions of the future. But secrets of the past are circling to once again claim a woman he loves. The first time it was his mother, the Highland Witch. Now it is her daughter and his half-sister, Rowan. There is power in this family yes, but is it enough to forestall another death?
Colin of Dunrobin, helped defeat the English at the Battle of Bannockburn. His reward? Castle Lochalsh. But the prize comes with the obligation to marry the English daughter of the castle’s defeated owner Lord Landsmere.
It is this daughter, Gwynneth, who holds close to her twisted heart the hope of revenging the death of her parents. At sixteen years of age she has the English contempt for the highlanders and carries seeds of her mother’s love of the dark arts.
A brief glimpse of Rowan hunting, and his subsequent marriage to Gwynneth begins Colin’s unknowing journey into the prophecy of Thomas the Rhymer. “A wall of stone is a gift well said but within its heart is a depth of dread. With a hunter’s speed there comes the song: to claim the gift is to right the wrong.”
This ‘wrong’ began when the English pushed aside ruins of an ancient church to build castle Lochalsh. This ‘wrong’ continued with the death of the Highland Witch at the hands of Lady Landsmere. This wrong’ is back once again. Only Colin can make it right. And only Elden the Seer can guide the headstrong Rowan, keeping her from the fate of the Highland Witch.
Work 5 - Title
Kingdom of Hearts
Work 5 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Romance
Work 5 - Genre (Other)
Historical Romance
Work 5 - Cover
Work 5 - Website
Work 5 - Description
With a simple twist of fate, a vulnerable young woman is unwillingly thrust into a struggle for power, caught between an evil destructive duke and a handsome but withdrawn king. From the harsh palace kitchens to the glittering bedchambers above, beautiful Catherine fights for survival amid danger and intrigue. Brooding King Stefan keeps to his rooms, held captive by tortured memories while Richard, Duke of Egravia, spins a web of betrayal and deceit. Plotting to steal the throne, Richard gains control over the weak young prince and seduces Marie, the Princes wife. When Catherine bursts onto the scene, the Dukes plot unravels. Horrified, Richard watches as the King, awakened to life by Catherine, regains his power. Frantically, Richard lures Marie into his plot to kill Stefan and implicate Catherine. With the King alive but severely injured and Catherine locked in the dungeon awaiting death, questions arise: why did Catherines mother kill herself so long ago; what secret sorrow tortures the King; and what is the tie between Richard and Princess Marie? As Catherine struggles for her life and King Stefan confronts his memories, the Prince draws upon his inner strength and the wisdom of an ancient duke to save the throne.
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