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Karen Paley


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Northern Virginia Writers Club

Personal information (200 word limit for Bio, please)

Pen Name
Karen Paley
Karen Paley is a former college English professor, now a top performing financial advisor with Apple Federal Credit Union. She joined VWC and NVWC in 2022. In the last six months of 2023 three of her essays were accepted for publication. "The Tomboy of Clinton Road" appeared in Journal 2023. Forthcoming essays include "Small Talk: Conversation with a Little One" in The Avalon Literary Review" and "And Then They Came for Me" in Stirring Nonfiction.

Website and social media (please include "http://")

Karen Paley

Chapter Information

VWC Chapter (if any)
Northern Virginia

Poems, Novels, Plays, or other Works

Work 1 - Title
I-Writing: There Politics and Practice of Teaching First-Person Writing
Work 1 - Genre
(Nonfiction) Education & Teaching
Work 1 - Description
An ethnographic study of the teaching of writing at Boston College which deconstructs the myth that personal narrative is an apolitical genre.
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