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Stacy Lawhorne


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Stacy Noe
Stacy Noe lives in the foothills of the mountains and enjoys writing rural, parafantasy extolling how magical it is. They have stories in Worm Moon Archive, and the anthologies ‘Things Improbable’ and ‘Sherlock is a Girl’s Name’(coming out early ‘24). You can find them at StacyNoe.com and Linktree: https://linktr.ee/stacynoeauthor

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Additional Works - Add title, genre, URL, description, and publication year in free form text here.

Additional Works
(publishing 2024) 'A Mother's Reputation', 'Sherlock is a Girl's Name' Anthology. Fiction, Gender-swap

'The Creeping Horror', 2023 ''Things Improbable' Anthology. Fiction, humor, supernatural, flash.

'Demons Need Love Too', 2022 Clarity Anthology. Fiction, Supernatural. https://www.queerscifi.com/announcing-the-clarity-anthology-stories-and-authors/

Accepted/Pending, 'Volunteers'. Literary. The 100 Word Project, @100wordsftw

'I Don't Care', a true memory in exactly 100 words. @fiveminutelit, June 2022 https://www.fiveminutelit.com/five-minutes/i-dont-care

'The Dance', Literary. Reflex Flash Fiction Competition website, August 2021

'The App-eal', Literary. Read on Short Story Hunters podcast, May 2021
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