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James Tobin


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J.E. Tobin
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Growing up in Union City, New Jersey, James Tobin (aka J. E. Tobin) was dazzled by the New York City skyline across the Hudson River. After earning a degree in journalism, he moved to the Big Apple with dreams of becoming a writer. He taught school while writing plays, two of which were presented by the famed off-Broadway Circle Repertory Company (Celebrations off River Street and Cabaret Theater: New York Times). He also wrote children’s fiction for major publishers such as MacMillan & Company, Harcourt Brace, Scott Foresman, and Scholastic. Then he watched helplessly from a rowboat as his completed manuscript for a novel burned in an inferno that reduced a New England inn to ashes. Three charred pages of the manuscript were discovered.

James’ writing shifted to the scholarly as he pursued a career as a college educator and consulting psychologist. Among his writings was a book he co-authored: Smart School Leaders: Leading with Emotional Intelligence (Kendall-Hunt Publishers). New York Times best-selling author, Daniel Goleman, praised it as “an elegant and practical program for leading schools with heart.” Only when his son urged him to revisit his deferred dream, did he turn again to fiction. When We Were Wolves, his debut novel, was the outcome. Triple Divide, His second novel, was published September 4, 2023.

James now resides with his wife, Jean, in Williamsburg, Virginia, the fictionalized setting for When We Were Wolves. He is a proud member of The Author’s Guild, The Chesapeake Bay Writers, and The Virginia Writers Club. .

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  • Craft
  • Fiction (long form)

Poems, Novels, Plays, or other Works

Work 1 - Title
Triple Divide
Work 1 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Thrillers
Work 1 - Genre (Other)
Triple Divide is an adventure/ thriller.
Work 1 - Cover
Work 1 - Website
Work 1 - Description
Three American soldiers, following their latest deployment in Afghanistan, return home burdened by secrets and moral uncertainties.

Being home in America brings them no peace. After visiting his mother, one soldier disappears into the vast wilderness of Glacier National Park. News of his disappearance drives the other two men to undertake separate missions to rescue him. Will they find him in time? And, as they approach the peak where rain flows into three oceans, what truths—if any—will they discover about themselves and each other?

Triple Divide is a gripping adventure story of courage, friendship, and redemption. It renders an unforgettable portrayal of war’s aftermath on soldiers and those who love them.

Tobin vividly describes both people and the landscapes they move through, giving particular care to the deep, oft-unspoken bonds between men. I couldn't put down this gripping book!

Kayla Williams, author of Love My Rifle More than You

Triple Divide is a terrific novel. J.E. Tobin expertly crafts a propulsive and thought-provoking narrative.
Chad Dundas, author of The Blaze and Champion of the World

I highly recommend this novel not just to men, whose lives it reflects, but to women who are interested in bridging gaps between the inner worlds of women and men. An adventure and a thriller, Triple Divide is also an inspiring take on the human condition…

Michael Gurian, New York Times bestselling author of Saving Our Sons
Work 2 - Title
When We Were Wolves
Work 2 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Literature
Work 2 - Cover
Work 2 - Website
Work 2 - Description
We Were Wolves by J. E. Tobin is the story of Tom Wingfield, who lives in a small Virginia town famous as the birthplace of U.S. presidents and Sonny Rawlins, America’s most celebrated college coach. For thirty years, Tom has kept secret the truth about Rawlins. But a news story sets off a chain of events that entraps Tom and his family in a media storm. Only a desperate act can save Tom and the life he has built.
Work 3 - Title
Smart School Leaders: Leading with Emotional Intelligence (First and second editions)
Work 3 - Genre
(Nonfiction) Education & Teaching
Work 3 - Genre (Other)
Leadership development
Work 3 - Cover
Work 3 - Website
Work 3 - Description
Smart School Leaders has been called "essential for any educator who truly cares about educating young people in the skills they need for successful living" (Daniel Goleman, NY Times best-selling author of Emotional Intelligence). The book is a comprehensive collection of practical insights from the fields of psychology, learning, and leadership studies that provide useful strategies to school leaders who wish to create caring school communities. The coauthors, Janet Patti and James Tobin, offer the reader an engaging guide to leading schools that are not only effective but joyful.
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