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Pen Name
John Musgrove
Personal photo
My genre is Historical Fiction, with efforts to illuminate the otherwise forgotten LBGTQ figures that made history for other reasons: Lewis Ginter, Grace Arents, and more.
I waited until I hit middle age before I started writing seriously. I have been an accomplished photographer since high school, and I am known throughout Richmond as “Cookie John” for my baking prowess.
I am happily married to the man I met in 1986. We have never been apart since our first date.
I grew up in Virginia. My dad was in the Army, but he was almost retired by the time I came along. Other than my own stint in the US Navy, I have always considered Virginia my home.
I am an IT Geek: nerdy, introverted, fascinated by technology, and easily distracted by the next shiny thing that catches my eye.

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  • Fiction (long form)
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