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Cin Ferguson


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Iron Shores Publishing LLC / Scary Dairy Press LLC

Personal information (200 word limit for Bio, please)

Pen Name
Querus Abuttu
Personal photo
Cin Ferguson/ Querus Abuttu (Dr. Q.) is a U.S. Navy veteran and award-winning author. She is an active member of the Horror Writers Association and writes dark tales that often center around strange rural towns and even stranger people. Dr. Q. is the author of the novel Sapient Farm and several dark short stories and poems published in anthologies like Mother’s Revenge and Terror Politico. She lives in the wilds of Virginia, where she hunts feral phantoms and turns their stories into her own. Follow Dr. Q. on Twitter @Querus_Abuttu, on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/querusabuttu/, and on her Facebook Author page at DrQAbuttu. You can find a full listing of her published works on her Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Querus-Abuttu/e/B009NDJ2RM

Website and social media (please include "http://")


Chapter Information

VWC Chapter (if any)

Speakers' Bureau

Speaker Area(s) of Writing Expertise
  • Craft
  • Fiction (long form)
  • Fiction (short form)
  • Non-fiction (creative non-fiction)
  • Non-fiction (general)
  • Poetry
  • Publishing
Other Topic(s) of Expertise
Military medical, military nursing, military deployment 2010, autopsy, forensic nursing, forensic psych, grief, abuse, scuba diving, midwifery, qualitative research, forensics, martial arts, horror, spec-fic, sci-fi, fantasy, weird, bizarro

Poems, Novels, Plays, or other Works

Work 1 - Title
Sapient Farm
Work 1 - Genre (Other)
Speculative Fiction
Work 1 - Description
A genetic experiment results in a brother and sister at odds--one working to dominate and destroy humanity and the other fighting to save it.
Work 2 - Title
Mother's Revenge: A Dark and Bizarre Anthology of Global Proportions
Work 2 - Genre (Other)
Mixed Genre Anthology
Work 2 - Description
What happens when you abuse your mother? It's not pretty. It's not nice. And she can get downright mean and nasty if you don’t straighten up and make amends. In this mixed-genre group of eco-tales, thirty-two authors from around the globe offer up some lessons in why it's wise to be kind to Mother Earth. Read and take heed. Your very life may depend on it!
Work 3 - Title
Terror Politico: A Screaming World in Chaos
Work 3 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Horror
Work 3 - Description
Who’s behind that odd writing in the sky? What’s that strange stare in the alien’s eye? What monster spouts fake news and true lies as glaciers melt and citizens die? Is it all zombie chaos or is there a plan? Perhaps you'll find out from the self-declared Man. But if you strike poison, then try not to scream. You will live to find out who will soon gas your dreams. Or will you? Let the terror begin!

Additional Works - Add title, genre, URL, description, and publication year in free form text here.

Additional Works
“Rad Bodies” and “What Crawls Beneath,” (Contributor and Anthologist) Terror Politico: A Screaming World in Chaos (4 January 2019)
Beginding (poem) September 28, 2018, HWA Poetry Showcase Volume V
“Last Natural Woman” (short story) Mother’s Revenge: A Dark and Bizarre Anthology of Global Proportions (2017)
“Sapient Farm” (novel) First in the Sapient File trilogy. Spec-Fic/Dark Sci-Fi 2014
“Black Widow” (poem) in online magazine, “69 Flavors of Paranoia.”
“Scraggles” (short story) in online magazine, “69 Flavors of Paranoia.”
“Center Mass” (short story) in Hazard Yet Forward Anthology 2013
“Pitter Patter” (short story) in Pantheon Magazine, Spring 2013
“Green Waters” (short story) in Pantheon Magazine, Spring 2014
“Flesh Trap” (short story) in Forever Vacancy: Colors in Darkness Anthology January 2017
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