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Denise Peters


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Denise Peters

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Pen Name
Denise LaJuan Peters
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Please describe yourself
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Denise LaJuan Peters called northern Virginia home back when a bike ride took her to Mr. Russells's farm and the adventure-filled woods next to it. She attended college in Virginia's picturesque mountains and seminary in frigid upstate New York. But she settled in the quiet Virginia piedmont two decades ago. Dragons steal their way into her writing. But her love of Ivanhoe and Jane Eyre keeps the tropes at bay.

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Hanover Writers

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Poems, Novels, Plays, or other Works

Work 1 - Title
Fire Flight and Other Tanninim Tales
Work 1 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Science Fiction & Fantasy
Work 1 - Genre (Other)
Short Story Collection. MiniBük. Historical and Contemporary Fantasy
Work 1 - Cover
Work 1 - Description
Some men are human. The rest are tanninim.
A fireman without protective gear enters a burning home.
A woman's thoughts see lurking danger.
A student tutors without speaking.
A vinedresser's pruning advises a prince.
Although the tanninim live hidden among men, their influence affects us all.
Work 1 - Publication Year
Work 2 - Title
Oracles of the Vinedresser: A Tanninim Tale
Work 2 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Science Fiction & Fantasy
Work 2 - Genre (Other)
A novella. Literary fiction with fantasy elements.
Work 2 - Cover
Work 2 - Description
Saxon incursions prove invasion looms for Deron, prince of the Britons. He reluctantly accepts counsel from a mysterious enslaved vinedresser, the center of a web of dark rumors. Despite the pervasive superstitions, Deron welcomes her intelligence. But he uncovers her shocking secret. And her dire situation. Obeying her oracles may steer him to a costly victory. But her curse could drag him to a bitter end.
Work 2 - Publication Year
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