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Dawn Brotherton


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Pen Name
Dawn Brotherton
Personal photo
Dawn Brotherton is an award-winning author and featured speaker at writing and publishing seminars. When it comes to exceptional writing, she draws on her experience as a colonel retired from the US Air Force as well as a softball coach. Her variety of interests has led to a variety of genres including mystery, romance, middle grade and nonfiction. Her next book will involve quilting, one of her most recent hobbies. Dawn and her husband have wisely invested in their daughters’ college educations, hoping the girls will pick out a nice retirement home for them someday.

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Chapter Information

VWC Chapter (if any)
Hampton Roads

Speakers' Bureau

Speaker Area(s) of Writing Expertise
  • Craft
  • Fiction (long form)
  • Publishing
Other Topic(s) of Expertise
Hybrid publishing, self-publishing, inDesign

Poems, Novels, Plays, or other Works

Work 1 - Title
If I Look Like You
Work 1 - Genre
(Children's Books) Ages 6-8
Work 1 - Genre (Other)
picture book
Work 1 - Cover
Work 1 - Description
Scout is a dragon with an awesome talent.
She can change like a chameleon! As she explores her town, she feels the need to change how she looks depending on who she’s talking to. But everyone she meets tells her the same thing: You don’t have to look like me!
See how she learns the importance of being herself.
Comes with free teacher lesson plans for social/emotional learning.
Work 2 - Title
Truth Has No Agenda
Work 2 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Mystery & Crime
Work 2 - Genre (Other)
(Fiction & Literature) women detective
Work 2 - Cover
Work 2 - Description
The military takes a hard stand against sexual assault and harassment, but what happens when politics are involved?
Jackie Austin is getting her life together as a single woman. She’s been promoted, works at the Pentagon, and spends her free time helping coach youth soccer. Generally, everything is good.
Until her house is broken into.
And someone tries to kill her.
Is this because of what she’s unearthed related to the cases she’s been assigned? If so, the list of suspects is long.
Jackie always battles to help the victim—no matter who they are. But this time someone is doing whatever they can to stop her. Who is it and how far are they willing to go?
Work 3 - Title
The Dragons of Silent Mountain
Work 3 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Science Fiction & Fantasy
Work 3 - Cover
Work 3 - Description
Change has come to Silent Mountain.
Ashton grew up with enchanting stories of when dragons filled the sky. When the mountain rumbles and people start disappearing, Ashton is compelled to discover if the tales are true. She may be labeled as crazy as her grandfather, but she must unravel the mystery of her birthright.
While trying to help the dragon queen, Ashton finds herself at odds with Lukas, her childhood friend and captain of the soldiers. Bucking the ruling family, she places herself between the needs of the dragons and the troops Lukas commands. When tempers flare and blood is shed, Ashton races to fulfill her grandmother’s wishes while blocking the evil actions of the power-hungry village ruler.
Can Ashton save the dragons and the village from a fight that could destroy them all?
Work 4 - Title
Eastover Treasures
Work 4 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Mystery & Crime
Work 4 - Genre (Other)
Historical Fiction
Work 4 - Cover
Work 4 - Description
When Aury and her fellow quilters uncover clues to a potential fortune, will they be able to untangle the mystery in time to save Eastover Retreat Center from financial ruin?
During their annual quilt retreat, gale force winds trap the ladies in a boarded-up manor house. Inside, the sewing sisters discover the diaries of the mistress of Eastover Plantation written during the Civil War and clues she left behind which started as a treasure hunt for her children. Following the clues, the quilters take a journey they never expected.
As Aury works closely with the owner of the retreat center, they dig up more than treasure when they follow the trail through history. Will it be enough to save Eastover and preserve the history of the plantation?
Work 5 - Title
Margie Makes A Difference (Lady Tigers Book 2)
Work 5 - Genre
(Children's Books) Ages 6-8
Work 5 - Genre (Other)
(Children's Books) Ages 9-12
Work 5 - Cover
Work 5 - Description
Twenty players. Two games. One challenge.
When Tammy Marshall yells across the field at the local boys’ baseball team about how easy their sport is, she isn’t prepared for the epic tournament to follow. The teams had been bickering back and forth until finally, they decide to settle it like ballplayers. The date is set for the Lady Tigers to go up against the boys in one game of softball and one game of baseball. Winner takes glory and bragging rights forever. Emotions are running high for all the girls, especially Tammy. Is this their chance to prove the superiority of their skills once and for all? Or has Tammy set her team up for their worst defeat yet?
Tammy Tries Baseball captures the anxiety and ultimate joy of trying something new. If you like sports action, quick dialogue, and coming-of-age friendships, you’ll love this latest installment of the Lady Tigers. In the compelling finale to Dawn Brotherton’s first Lady Tigers series, it may be time for the team—and the reader—to win some and learn some.
Complete the journey for bringing Tammy Tries Baseball home now!

Additional Works - Add title, genre, URL, description, and publication year in free form text here.

Additional Works
Nicole's New Friend (Lady Tigers Book 3)
Children's Books (Ages 6-12)
Has Nicole found a nasty enemy…or a new friend?

Nicole loves every moment she spends playing softball with her friends on the Lady Tigers fastpitch softball team. When her coach introduces a new girl, Nicole tries her best to welcome her onto the Lady Tigers. But Diana doesn’t seem interested in being friendly—or even polite. Nicole realizes that the team is infected with drama and negativity and Nicole finds herself dreading the practices she once loved. What will bring the team back together before the new girl can tear it apart completely?
Publication Year: 2017
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