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David W Perkins


Member profile details

First name
David W
Last name
The Episcopal Church

Personal information (200 word limit for Bio, please)

Pen Name
Personal photo
A lifelong academic and cleric. Writing in the past has been primarily academic. I now am focusing more fully on creative nonfiction while still doing some academic writing. Now that my fourth and final retirement is beginning, writing will be my primary life focus.

Website and social media (please include "http://")


Chapter Information

VWC Chapter (if any)
Blue Ridge

Speakers' Bureau

Speaker Area(s) of Writing Expertise
  • Non-fiction (creative non-fiction)
  • Non-fiction (general)
  • Non-fiction (inspirational)
  • Non-fiction (memoir)
Other Topic(s) of Expertise
Bible and Religion; Literary Theory and Interpretation

Poems, Novels, Plays, or other Works

Work 1 - Title
Reflections on Reverie
Work 1 - Genre
(Nonfiction) Philosophy
Work 1 - Genre (Other)
A review discussion of Gaston Bachelard's theory of reverie

Additional Works - Add title, genre, URL, description, and publication year in free form text here.

Additional Works
Various academic and inspirational articles published in journals and inspirational magazines.
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