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Jason Maddux


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A Washington, DC attorney, who writes speculative fiction and children's stories as a creative outlet upon returning home to northern Virginia each night and once the kids are in bed.

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Chapter Information

VWC Chapter (if any)
Northern Virginia

Speakers' Bureau

Speaker Area(s) of Writing Expertise
  • Fiction (short form)

Poems, Novels, Plays, or other Works

Work 1 - Title
We're Here to Help... Ourselves: Short Tales of Time, Space, Aliens, & Paperwork
Work 1 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Short stories/Anthologies
Work 1 - Genre (Other)
science fiction
Work 1 - Cover
Work 1 - Description
Science fiction tropes—you know them and you love them. They are the building blocks of sci fi stories, both past and present, and this collection of 14 short stories has them all. Dive in as a xenoanthropologist is stranded on a world with two alien races. Join a generation ship, soon to be populated with clones, on its journey to a new world. Learn how humanity may react to an alien invasion—and the resulting paperwork—and follow one family as they contend with time travel, bio-nanites, and the implications of an unnaturally long life.
Work 2 - Title
Work 2 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Short stories/Anthologies
Work 2 - Genre (Other)
science fiction
Work 2 - Cover
Work 2 - Description
Planetside is an anthology of drabbles, stories of exactly 100 words. Within these pages are micro science fiction stories from Liam Hogan, Marc Criley, Michelle Ann King, Marisca Pichette, Anna Madden, and many, many others!
Work 3 - Title
Spaceports & Spidersilk June 2020
Work 3 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Science Fiction & Fantasy
Work 3 - Cover
Work 3 - Description
Spaceports & Spidersilk features science fiction and fantasy for everyone. It presents adventures on other planets and in imaginary worlds. Inside these pages you'll find magic, and strange friends, and even a ghost or two.

Editor Marcie Tentchoff says: I have never made a secret of my love of all things speculative, from fantasy to science fiction, from wand-waving wizards to blaster-brandishing space brigands. I love magic, adventure, strange creatures and otherworldly situations.

Now, like many people across Earth, I find myself living in one of those otherworldly, almost science fictional situations. The thing is, although I don't have access to strange alien tech or magical items that might help me make everything instantly right again, I do have a background in reading about similar scenarios. And I know from my reading that there is always hope, that things do get better, and that there will always be heroes who step up to make things better.
Work 4 - Title
The Trouble with Time Travel
Work 4 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Science Fiction & Fantasy
Work 4 - Cover
Work 4 - Description
The characters in the twenty short stories in this next Read on the Run anthology are all having trouble with time travel. Some have trouble with the equipment, some have trouble with what they find, others have to deal with unexpected consequences. Some travelers intentionally reach out to their past or future selves, others work to avoid this.Some travelers focus on the future, others focus on the past, a few look in both directions.Travelers travel by time machine, cell phone, time cap, elevator, compass, or without the need for a device at all. And then there are the mistakes made and paradoxes created when you mess around with time. Last, but not least, we finish up with a story which offers a solution to all the messes that are created.
Work 5 - Title
Night Terrors Vol. 6: Short Horror Stories Anthology
Work 5 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Science Fiction & Fantasy
Work 5 - Cover
Work 5 - Description
A health-conscious tenant must battle his apartment’s demonic refrigerator. The shadow of death clings to a woman, as she strives to find a way to escape her fate. And a mysterious runaway wreaks havoc at a secluded motel, when the guests discover the deadly secret that follows in her wake…

A new night of terror begins with Scare Street’s latest bone-chilling collection. This pulse-pounding volume contains thirteen new supernatural tales of terror. And each story brings you deeper into the dark realm of nightmares.

As the inky black shadows close in, you realize you are not alone. Something stalks you through this strange netherworld. You hear snarls in the distance. The howling grows louder and louder.

Death itself has been unleashed from this book of darkness. And it’s too late to return to the light…

This volume features the following stories:
1. Leftovers by Warren Benedetto
2. The Refrigerator by Peter Cronsberry
3. Shadow by Jason E. Maddux
4. Painless by Dominick Cancilla
5. Issue 32 by Daniel Comnenus
6. My Daughter's Ghosts by Bradley Walker
7. Waters Take Me by Jim Horlock
8. Walled In by Carl Hughes
9. Collection Day by John Wayne Comunale
10. Sleep Paralysis by Shannon Brady
11. The Road to Hell by Brian Sperl
12. Mother Love by Jon McGoran
13. Beyond the Wall by Ron Ripley

Additional Works - Add title, genre, URL, description, and publication year in free form text here.

Additional Works
Night Terrors Vol. 14
A realtor desperately tries to sell a haunted house before it consumes her body and soul. A young couple’s vacation at a campground takes an ominous turn when something menacing lurks nearby. And a haunting melody leads a curious girl to a bittersweet tale of love and loss…

Grab your partner and join the spirits on the dance floor. Scare Street’s latest collection of supernatural horror is a grand ball of fear and nightmares. This sinister collection is bursting with fourteen tales of terror—more than enough to keep you dancing with demons all night long…

The music plays faster and faster. You struggle to keep up, but you can feel your life force ebbing, your flesh withering. Something is feeding upon you, draining your essence. But no matter how hard you try, you can’t stop moving to this deadly beat.

And once the music ends, the only sounds you hear are your own screams of terror…
May 24, 2021
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