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Bronwen Robinson


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Bronwen Chisholm
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Bronwen Chisholm always enjoyed reading and even dabbled in writing, but didn’t consider it as a career until she reached her forties. With her family growing up, she decided to allow her creativity to flourish. In 2015, following the deaths of her parents, she was inspired to publish three Pride and Prejudice Variations. Since then she has released six more including the second in the Defying Propriety Series, Son of an Earl. In the meanwhile, she held the position of vice president of the Riverside Writers and organized the Riverside Young Writers, both in Fredericksburg, for at least ten years, and in 2021, she became a certified copy-editor.

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Chapter Information

VWC Chapter (if any)

Speakers' Bureau

Speaker Area(s) of Writing Expertise
  • Craft
  • Fiction (long form)
  • Publishing
Other Topic(s) of Expertise
dialogue, Regency Romance

Poems, Novels, Plays, or other Works

Work 1 - Title
Son of an Earl
Work 1 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Historical Fiction
Work 1 - Genre (Other)
Regency Romance, Jane Austen/Pride and Prejudice Variations
Work 1 - Cover
Work 1 - Description
We are formed by experiences of our childhood. Family and friends influence our character. Decisions, wise and foolish, direct our path. Through chance encounters and early introductions, our beloved Pride and Prejudice characters come together on a slightly different path which may, to some, defy propriety.

All the books in this series are sweet, clean romances.

Ashton Fitzwilliam, Viscount Grayson and cousin to Fitzwilliam Darcy, has always known what was expected of him. As the eldest son of an earl, he must marry a lady from the first circles of society, preferably one whose father will be a new ally to the current earl. He never anticipated meeting an intriguing American lady with a secret or two she is determined to keep hidden from the disapproving haut ton.
Work 2 - Title
As a Proper Lady Would
Work 2 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Historical Fiction
Work 2 - Genre (Other)
Regency Romance, Jane Austen/Pride and Prejudice Variations
Work 2 - Cover
Work 2 - Description
We are formed by experiences of our childhood. Family and friends influence our character. Decisions, wise and foolish, direct our path. Through chance encounters and early introductions, our beloved Pride and Prejudice characters come together on a slightly different path which may, to some, defy propriety.

All the books in this series are sweet, clean romances.

In this first book of the Defying Propriety Series, we watch as Elizabeth and Darcy learn what society expects of them, while attempting to achieve what they truly desire in life. The well-known characters, as well as a few new ones, grow from childhood to a marriageable age; some reveal different facets of their personalities, while others are doomed to follow the same paths.
Work 3 - Title
Missing Jane
Work 3 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Historical Fiction
Work 3 - Genre (Other)
Regency Romance, Jane Austen/Pride and Prejudice Variations
Work 3 - Cover
Work 3 - Description
Mr. Bennet is dead; his daughters “scattered to the winds,” according to Mrs. Bennet.
And the eldest Miss Bennet? No one really knows.
Poor Mr. Bingley is led to believe she is no more, but her sister swears she is alive.
Can Mr. Darcy and his friend find her and, in turn, their own happily ever afters?

This is a Pride and Prejudice Variation Novella
Work 4 - Title
Georgiana Darcy, Matchmaker
Work 4 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Historical Fiction
Work 4 - Cover
Work 4 - Description
After Fitzwilliam Darcy surprised his sister, Georgiana, at Ramsgate and learned she was being tricked into eloping with his childhood friend, George Wickham; he took a most unprecedented path. Deciding Georgie was unprepared for such circumstances due to their society's preference to keep young ladies innocent and unknowing of the ways of the world, he chose to enlighten her. He began discussing things with her and educating her on matters that others may feel were not for the eyes or ears of a lady. He wanted her to be prepared when she came out in society and not be susceptible to the fortune hunters. What he did not realize was that she would use her new found knowledge upon him.
Work 5 - Title
A Beneficial, If Unwilling, Compromise
Work 5 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Historical Fiction
Work 5 - Cover
Work 5 - Description
A Pride and Prejudice Variation. When Mrs. Bennet discovers all her worse nightmares are about to come true, she does not react the way her family expects. Instead the normally silly woman takes matters into her own hands and gives marching orders to her daughters. Will they follow them to the letter? Will any of them find their happy ending? Just remember, the secret to a long and lasting relationship is compromise.

Additional Works - Add title, genre, URL, description, and publication year in free form text here.

Additional Works
Mrs. Collins' Lover - (Fiction & Literature) Historical Fiction
A Pride and Prejudice Variation
Elizabeth Bennet was raised with a strong belief and faith in God's plan for her life. She knew He had a plan, even if the details were hidden from her. But, when placed in an untenable situation, she turned instead to the arms of a man to find brief moments of joy. Finally, when able to realize the happiness which was always intended for her, the weight of her guilt over her past sins convinces her of her unworthiness. Only through reconciliation with the Lover of her soul can she truly fulfill the life He planned for her. But first, she must forgive herself in order to find redemption.
Remember: In order to be redeemed, there must be sin. This story is intended for mature audiences.
Trigger Warning: There are incidents of abuse in this story.
Published 2019

The Ball at Meryton - (Fiction & Literature) Historical Fiction
A Pride & Prejudice Variation
In Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Fitzwilliam Darcy insults Elizabeth Bennet at the Meryton ball. This slight was the first offense leading her to declare him the last man on earth she would ever marry. But what if, following the insult, they were seen in a compromising position? With the gossips of Meryton embellishing the story, will Mr. Darcy look beyond his own prejudices toward the Bennets and perform his gentlemanly duty? And how will Elizabeth respond?
Published 2015

Behind the Mask
(Fiction & Literature) Historical Fiction
In this Pride & Prejudice Alternative, Darcy and Elizabeth meet at a risque masque ball the summer before he arrives in Hertfordshire. They are both questioning what they desire from a marriage partner, and debating not marrying at all. Though they are taken with each other, they do not know the other's true identity.
Each begins to search for the other in their own way, but are unable to see the person behind the mask when they finally come together.
This book includes mature content and sexual themes.
Published 2015

Mistress Mary and the General
(Fiction & Literature) Historical Fiction
Pride & Prejudice Variation
Richard Fitzwilliam, second son of the Earl of Matlock and cousin to Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley, has led a blessed life. Believing the most he could want was a distinguished military career, he was pleasantly surprised when he found the love his life and married. After welcoming a son into this world followed by twins two years later, his beloved wife fell ill. Though she recovered, her health was never what it once had been and, after three years, she succumbed to a fever. Left now with three young children to raise alone, he turns to his cousin and Pemberley for solace and direction.
Mary Bennet, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet of Longbourn and sister to Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy, has been searching for some meaning in her life. Being the only unwed daughter, she unwillingly command the sole attention of her matchmaking mot
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