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Cecilia Thomas


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Hanover Writers Club

Personal information (200 word limit for Bio, please)

Pen Name
Cecilia Brown Thomas
Cecilia ("Celie") Brown Thomas is the author of Active Meditation for Manifesting the Kingdom (1st World Publishing, 2017). Her poetry, while most often written for friends and family, has also been published in professional journals and her "Letters to the Editor" have appeared in local newspapers for many years. She enjoys proofreading and editing for other writers, acknowledging that “sometimes we can’t clearly see our own stuff!” Celie’s second book, You Can't Hide a Dead Fish, was published in October 2014.This is an inside look at public education in Virginia.

Website and social media (please include "http://")


Chapter Information

VWC Chapter (if any)
Hanover Writers

Speakers' Bureau

Speaker Area(s) of Writing Expertise
  • Non-fiction (inspirational)
  • Non-fiction (memoir)
  • Poetry
Other Topic(s) of Expertise

Poems, Novels, Plays, or other Works

Work 1 - Title
Active Meditation for Manifesting the Kingdom
Work 1 - Genre
(Nonfiction) Nonfiction
Work 1 - Genre (Other)
Work 1 - Cover
Work 1 - Website
Work 1 - Description
Active Meditation for Manifesting the Kingdom is a handbook for those who long for opportunities to reflect and meditate in uninterrupted peace, but whose busy lives lack such luxury. The "active meditation" process described in this book is simply another name for "mindfulness" and can actually happen any place and anytime. Illustrated with many B&W photographs.
Work 2 - Title
You Can't Hide a Dead Fish
Work 2 - Genre
(Nonfiction) Education & Teaching
Work 2 - Cover
Work 2 - Website
Work 2 - Description
"You Can't Hide a Dead Fish" is an in-the-trenches view of public education in Virginia. As a former elementary school counselor, Celie addresses many of the challenging issues facing public school educators today and offers positive suggestions and proven strategies for success.
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